1.The minimum sacrificial animal is a ewe.
2.[The sacrificial animal] is of three types : camel, cow and sheep.
3. A thaniyy , or better, of [any of] these suffices, except for the sheep, of which a jadha` suffices.
4.[The following are] not permissible as sacrificial animals:
- [An animal] with severed ears, or the major part severed,
- [An animal] with a severed tail, arm or leg,
- [An animal] whose eyesight is gone,
- An emaciated animal,
- A lame animal, such as cannot walk to the place of sacrifice.
5.A ewe is permissible for everything, except in two cases: One who performed the Tawaf of Visiting with janabah, and One who had sexual intercourse after the Standing at `Arafah In these two cases, only a she-camel suffices.
6.A she-camel and cow each suffice for seven [people], if each one of the partners intends devotion. So, if one of them intended [only to obtain] meat through his share, it does not suffice the remaining [six].
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