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Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Do Muslims worship Muhammad ﷺ, Is this true?

Muslims do not worship Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in any way. We believe that he was the last messenger, the leader of all the Prophets, sent by Almighty Allah ﷻ like all his other Prophets and Messengers. However, some people mistakenly assume that Muslims worship Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ , like Jesus, never claimed a divine status. He called people to worship Almighty Allah ﷻ alone. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ always referred himself as “Allah’s servant and messenger”
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was chosen to be Almighty Allah’s final messenger and to communicate His message to us, not only in words, but also in deeds as a living example of its practical application. Muslims love and respect him because of his impeccable and upright moral character and because he perfectly conveyed the truth from Almighty Allah and because he is the beloved, chosen and loved by Allah , the Most wise-which indeed is the pure monotheism of Islam.

Muslims strive to follow the ideal and great example of the beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, but do not worship him in any way. Islam teaches Muslims to love and respect all of Almighty Allah’s Prophets and messengers. However respecting and loving them does not mean worshiping them. There is a distinct difference between respect and worship. Muslims know that all worship must be directed to Almighty Allah ﷻ alone.

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Faith in angels

Angels are neither male nor female; neither eat nor drink; neither marry nor reproduce. They are made of light and hence they can change themselves into different forms. They also have the power to transform themselves into any form but they never do any such their knowingly or unknowingly against the command of Almighty Allah.

Every Angele has a specific assignment to accomplish. Some angels bring Wahi (Revelation) from Almighty Allah , to his Prophet, Some of them are responsible for the rain while others are responsible for supplying provision to worldly creatures. Some angels shape the face of the fetus in the womb of the mother, while some take care of the changes in human bodies.

Friday, 25 November 2016

The prominent Prophets ﷺ of Almighty Allah

Allah, the Most High, sent down many Prophets for the guidance of mankind from the time of Prophet Adam to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ , While some of them have been mentioned specifically in the Holy Quran, many others have not figured in it. The Prophets who have been given prominence in the Holy Quran are: Prophet Adam, Prophet Ibrahim ( Abraham),Prophet Idris (Enoch), Prophet Nuh (Noah) Prophet Hud, Prophet Salih, Prophet Ismail , Prophet Ishaaq ( Isaaq) , Prophet Lut (Lot), Prophet Ya’qoob ( Jacob) , Prophet yusuf ( Joseph), Prophet Shu’aib, Prophet Ayyub ( job), Prophet Musa ( Moses) , Prophet Harun ( Aaron), Prophet Dhul Kifl ( Ezekiel), Prophet Dawood (David), Prophet Sulaiman( Solomon), Prophet Zakariya ( Zecharia), Prphet Yahya ( john) , Prophet Isa ( Jesus Christ) and the leader of all Prophets Sayyiduna Muhammad ﷺ 

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Five sayings of the blessed companions

1. Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Siddeeq has stated, 

‘Reciting Salat upon the Noblest Prophet removes the sins so quickly that even the water cannot extinguish the fire with such swiftness, and sending Salam upon the Beloved Prophet is better than setting the slaves free.’ (Tareekh-e-Baghdad, vol. 7, pp. 172)
2. Sayyidatuna ‘Aaishah Siddiqah stated, ‘Adorn your gatherings by reciting Salat upon the Greatest Prophet (Tareekh-e-Baghdad, vol. 7, pp. 216)
3. Sayyiduna ‘Umar Farooq-e-A’zam  said,‘Supplication remains suspended between the Heavens and the earth and nothing from it moves upwards until you recite Salat upon the Beloved Prophet
(Sunan-ut-Tirmizi, vol. 2, pp. 28, Hadees 486)

4. Sayyiduna ‘Ali-ul-Murtada 9 said, ‘Supplication of every person is veiled until [he] recites Salat upon the Holy Prophet Muhammad  and his blessed progeny.’ (Al-Mu’jam-ul-Awsat, vol. 1, pp. 211, Hadees 271)
5. Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Amr Bin ‘Aas said, ‘Whoever recites Salat upon the Noblest Prophet
one time, Allah and His [blessed] angels will send mercies upon him seventy times.’ (Musnad Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal, vol. 2, pp. 614, Hadees 6766) Ka’bay kay Badr-ud-Duja tum pay karoron Durood Taybah kay Shams-ud-Duha tum pay karoron Durood (Hadaiq-e-Bakhshish, pp. 264)

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

40 Blessed sayings of Beloved prophet

  1. Whoever recites Salat upon me one time, Allah sends ten blessings upon him. (Sahih Muslim, pp. 216, Hadees 408)

2. The person closest to me on the Day of Judgement will be the one who would have recited Salat upon me abundantly in the world. (Sunan-ut-Tirmizi, vol. 2, pp. 27, Hadees 484)

3. Whoever recites Salat upon me once; Allah sends ten mercies upon him and writes ten virtuous deeds in his book of deeds. (Sunan-ut-Tirmizi, vol. 2, pp. 28, Hadees 484)

4. The angels keep sending mercies upon a Muslim until he continues to recite Salat upon me. Now, it is the person’s choice whether he recites less or more.
(Sunan Ibn Majah, vol. 1, pp. 490, Hadees 907)

5. The Noblest Prophet said to a person performing Salah followed by the glorification of Allah and the recitation of Salat: ‘Make Du’a [supplication], it will be answered; ask for, it will be granted.’
(Sunan Nasa`ee, pp. 220, Hadees 1281)

6. [Sayyiduna] Jibra`eel
humbly said to me that Allah says: ‘O Muhammad  Are you not pleased with this thing that when your Ummati sends Salam upon you one time, I send Salam upon him
tenfold.’ (Sunan Nasa`ee, pp. 222, Hadees 1292)

7. Whoever recites Salat upon me once; Allah sends ten mercies upon him, forgives ten sins and elevates his rank by ten times.’ (Sunan Nasa`ee, pp. 222, Hadees 1294)

8. Whoever recites Salat upon me one time, Allah sends ten mercies upon him. And whoever recites Salat upon me ten times, Allah sends 100 blessings upon him and whoever recites Salat upon me 100 times, Allah will write between both of his eyes that he is free from hypocrisy and the hellfire; and Allah will keep him with the martyrs on the Day of Judgement. (Al-Mu’jam-ul-Awsat, vol. 5, pp. 252, Hadees 2735)

9. Whoever recites Salat upon me fifty times a day; I will shake hands with him on the Day of Judgement. (Al-Qurbah Ila Rab-bil-‘Aalameen, pp. 90, Hadees 90)

10. Whoever recites Salat upon me thousand times a day; he will not die until he sees his place in Jannah. (Attargheeb fi Fada`il-ul-A’maal, pp. 14, Hadees 19)

11. Whoever recites Salat upon me three times in a day and three times in the night showing devotion and affection towards me, it is upon the mercy of Allah to forgive the sins he committed during that day and night. (Al-Mu’jam-ul-Kabeer, vol. 18, pp. 362, Hadees 928)

12. Recite Salat upon me wherever you are as your Salat reaches me. (Al-Mu’jam-ul-Kabeer, vol. 3, pp. 82, Hadees 2729)

13. Undoubtedly your names along with your identity are presented to me. Therefore, recite excellent Salat upon me (i.e., with most beautiful words). (Musannaf ‘Abdur Razzaq, vol. 2, pp. 140, Hadees 3116)

14. Indeed (Sayyiduna) Jibra`eel gave me [this] glad tidings: Whoever recites Salat upon you, Allah
sends mercy to him and whoever sends Salam [salutations] to you, Allah sends peace to him.
(Musnad Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal, vol. 1, pp. 407, Hadees 1664)

15. Sayyiduna Ubayy Bin Ka’b humbly said, ‘If I (give up all my Awraad and Wazaaif1 and) devote all of my time reciting Salat-‘Alan-Nabi.’ Upon this, the Prophet
said, ‘This will be sufficient to remove your worries and your sins will be forgiven.’ (Sunan-ut-Tirmizi, vol. 4, pp. 207, Hadees 2465)

16. Whoever recited Salat upon me ten times during the dayvand ten times during the night, will attain my intercession on the Day of Judgement. (Majma’-uz-Zawaid, vol. 10, pp. 163, Hadees 17022)

17. Recite Salat upon me in abundance, undoubtedly your recital of the Salat upon me is a means of purification for you. (Musnad Abi Ya’la, vol. 5, pp. 458, Hadees 6383)

18. When people who love each other for the pleasure of Allah meet together, shake hands [with each other] and recite Salat-‘Alan-Nabi , the past and future sins of both of them are forgiven before they separate from each other. (Musnad Abi Ya’la, vol. 3, pp. 95, Hadees 2951)

19. Whoever recites the following Salat, my intercession becomes Wajib for him:

Translation: O Allah ! Descend Your blessing upon the Noblest Prophet  and grant him the great
closeness in Your court on the Day of Judgement. (Al-Mu’jam-ul-Kabeer, vol. 5, pp. 25, Hadees 4480)

20. Whoever writes Salat upon me in a book, angels will continue to make Istighfar (seek forgiveness) for him as long as my name remains in it. (Al-Mu’jam-ul-Awsat, vol. 1, pp. 497, Hadees 1835)

21. O people! Undoubtedly, from the terror and accountability of the Day of Judgement, the person who would attain the quick salvation will be the one who would have recited Salat upon me in abundance. (Al-Firdaus bima-Soor-il-Khitab, vol. 5, pp. 277, Hadees 8175)

22. Recite Salat upon me in abundance, undoubtedly your recital of Salat upon me will be forgiveness for your sins. (Ibn ‘Asakir, vol. 61, pp. 381)

23. Whoever recites Salat upon me one time, Allah writes the reward of one Qeerat for him and one Qeerat is equal to the mount Uhud. (Musannaf ‘Abdur Razzaq, vol. 1, pp. 39, Hadees 153)

24. Undoubtedly, Allah has appointed an angel to my grave who has been granted the ability to hear the voice of every creature. Hence, whosoever recites Salat upon me until the Day of Judgement, he [angel] presents to me that person’s name along with his father’s name [and] says: ‘So
and so has recited Salat upon you this time.’ (Musnad Al-Bazzaar, vol. 4, pp. 255, Hadees 1425)

! How fortunate indeed is the Salat reciter that his name along with his father’s name is presented in the blessed court of the Beloved Prophet %

This point is also a highly faith-enlightening here that the blessed angel appointed to the most sacred grave has been granted such a great power and ability of hearing that he can even listen the extremely slow voice of millions of Salat reciters across the world; imagine, when this is the hearing power of someone appointed to the blessed tomb for carrying out services then what will be the greatness
and eminence of the Greatest Prophet 

Why will he not recognize his devotees and why would he  not help them after listening to their pleas with the permission of Allah

Aur koi ghayb kya tum say nihan ho bhala Jab na Khuda hi chhupa tum pay karoron Durood Mayn qurban is adaye dast-geeri per mayray Aqa Madad ko aa gaye jab bhi pukara ‘Ya Rasoolallah’

25. Whoever likes this [thing] that Allah is pleased with him when he is presented in the court of Allah should recite Salat upon me in abundance. (Al-Firdaus bima-Soor-il-Khitab, vol. 2, pp. 284, Hadees 6083)
26. Perform Hajj. Undoubtedly, its reward is greater than participating in twenty Ghazwat1 and reciting Salat upon me one time is equal to that. (Ibid, vol. 1, pp. 339, Hadees 2484)

27. There will be no shade on the Day of Judgment except for the Throne of Allah Three persons will remain beneath the shade of the Divine throne. It was humbly asked, ‘O the Beloved Prophet Who will be those people?’ The Prophet of Rahmah  said, 

(1) The one who relieves the distress of my Ummati
(2) the one who revives my Sunnah (3) and the one whorecites Salat upon me abundantly.’ (Al-Budoor-us-Saafirah, pp. 131, Hadees 366)

28. Whoever recites the following supplication Seventy angels will keep writing virtues for him for one thousand days. (Al-Mu’jam-ul-Awsat, vol. 1, pp. 82, Hadees 235)

29. Recite Salat upon me, Allah will send mercy upon you. (Al-Kamil li Ibn ‘Adi, vol. 5, pp. 505)

30. When you recite Salat upon the blessed Prophets recite Salat upon me too; undoubtedly, I am the Rasool of the Rab of all the worlds.(Jam’-ul-Jawami’ lis-Suyuti, vol. 1, pp. 320, Hadees 2354)

31. Whoever recited the Glorious Quran, glorified Allah recited Salat upon the Prophet 

1 O Allah! Grant such good return to the Noblest Prophet what he deserves. furthermore, asked forgiveness from his Rab has sought the goodness from its place. (Shu’ab-ul-Iman, vol. 2, pp. 373, Hadees 2084)

32. Adorn your gatherings by reciting Salat upon me as this will be Noor [light] for you on the Day of Judgement. (Firdaus-ul-Akhbar, vol. 1, pp. 422, Hadees 3149)

33. Recite Salat upon me abundantly on Friday night and on the day of Friday [from sunset on Thursday to sunset on Friday], because your Salat is presented to me. (Al-Mu’jam-ul-Awsat, vol. 1, pp. 84, Hadees 241)

34. Recite Salat upon me abundantly on Friday night and on the day of Friday [from sunset on Thursday to sunset on Friday], because whoever does this, I will be his Intercessor and witness on the Day of Judgement. (Shu’ab-ul-Iman, vol. 3, pp. 111, Hadees 3033)

35. When the day of Thursday approaches, Allah sends His angels, who have papers made of silver and pens made of gold. They write the names of those who recite Salat in abundance on Thursday and during Friday night [which begins after sunset on Thursday].
(Ibn ‘Asakir, vol. 43, pp. 142)

36. Recitation of Salat upon me is Noor [light] on the bridge of Siraat. Whoever recites Salat upon me 80 times on Friday, his sins of 80 years will be forgiven. (Ibid, vol. 2, pp. 408, Hadees 3814)

37. Whoever recites Salat upon me on Friday, I will intercede for him on the Day of Judgement (Jam’-ul-Jawami’ lis-Suyuti, vol. 7, pp. 199, Hadees 22352)

38. Whoever recites Salat upon me 100 times on Friday; when he will come on the Day of Judgement, he will be accompanied by such a Noor [light] that if it is distributed
amongst all the creatures, it will suffice all of them. (Hilyat-ul-Awliya, vol. 8, pp. 49)

39. Whoever recites Salat upon me 100 times on Friday night and on the day of Friday [from sunset on Thursday to sunset on Friday], Allah will fulfil 100 of his needs, of which 70 are for the Hereafter and thirty are worldly. (Shu’ab-ul-Iman, vol. 3, pp. 111, Hadees 3035)

40. Whoever recites Salat upon me 200 times on Friday, his sins of 200 years will be forgiven. (Jam’-ul-Jawami’ lis-Suyuti, vol. 7, pp. 199, Hadees 22353)

Monday, 21 November 2016

8 Blessed sayings of the Beloved Prophet upon the disadvantages of not reciting Salat

1. The people who left the gathering without the remembrance of Allah and the recitation of Salat upon the Prophet [it is as if] they have parted from foulsmelling carcass. (Shu’ab-ul-Iman, vol. 2, pp. 215, Hadees 1570)

2. The one, before whom I am mentioned, and he does not recite Salat upon me, he abandons the path to Jannah. (Al-Mu’jam-ul-Kabeer, vol. 3, pp. 128, Hadees 2887)

3. May the person be disgraced who does not recite Salat upon me when I am mentioned in his presence.(Sunan-ut-Tirmizi, vol. 5, pp. 320, Hadees 3556)

4. The person in whose presence my name is mentioned and he does not recite Salat upon me is the stingiest of all people. (Musnad Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal, vol. 1, pp. 429, Hadees 1736)

5. Those people who sit in any gathering [and] do not make Zikr of Allah and do not recite Salat upon the Prophet will be overwhelmed with regret and wistfulness on the Day of Judgement when they see its reward even if they enter Jannah.
(Ibid, vol. 3, pp. 489, Hadees 9972)

6. The person in whose presence my name is mentioned and he does not recite Salat upon me, [it is as if], he has oppressed me. (Musannaf ‘Abdur Razzaq, vol. 2, pp. 142, Hadees 3126)
7. The person in whose presence my name is mentioned and
he does not recite Salat upon me, surely he is an unfortunate.
(‘Amal-ul-Yaum wal-Laylah, pp. 336, Hadees 381)

8. Those people who sit in any gathering [and] do not make Zikr of Allah and nor do they recite Salat upon the Prophet then, on the Day of Judgement, that gathering will be a cause of wistfulness for them. If Allah wills, He may punish them and if He wills, He may forgive them.
(Sunan-ut-Tirmizi, vol. 5, pp. 247, Hadees 3391)

Does Sadaqah reduce wealth?

 Spending in the way of Allah, causes an increase in wealth, not a decrease as it is stated in blessed
Hadees: ‘ 

                                   Sadaqah does not cause reduction in wealth.

Commenting on aforementioned blessed Hadees, the renowned commentator, Hakeem-ul-Ummat, Mufti Ahmad Yar Khan has􀀃stated: The one, who pays Zakah, will find his Zakah increasing each year. It is a fact that the farmer who disperses all his grain over the field, apparently he returns with
empty sacks of grain but in fact, he fills them in abundance. However, the grains stockpiled in sacks at homes deteriorate due to attack by weevils or mice etc. Or it implies that the wealth spent as a Sadaqah in the way of Allah will result in increasing and continue growing. When you keep filling up a well, the volume will keep on increasing.

We have learnt that anything spent in the way of Allah is never a loss. The spender not only is entitled to his due reward in the Hereafter, but sometimes he also gets increase in his wealth in this world together with an immediate replacement as a recompense as well.

Sayyiduna Imam Yaafi’i quotes a parable in Raud-ur-Riyaheen: Once a beggar came to the door of Sayyiduna Habib ‘Ajami  The noble wife of Sayyiduna Habib ‘Ajami had gone to get fire from the neighbour in order to bake bread from the flour that she had already kneaded. Sayyiduna Habib ‘Ajami took that flour and handed it over to beggar. When his noble wife returned with the fire, she found the kneaded flour missing. Sayyiduna Habib ‘Ajami 
 commented that it was taken to be baked. At insistence, Sayyiduna Habib ‘Ajami disclosed his act of charity. She replied, ‘ 

! This is an excellent act of gracious kindness but we also in need of something to eat.’

Shortly after, a person appeared bringing a big bowl full of meat and bread. She said, ‘Look, how quickly you got a return. Not only is the bread baked, in addition, mutton with gravy
was also sent.’ May Allah have mercy on them and forgive us without
accountability for their sake!

Saturday, 19 November 2016

The Glorious Quran, the Last Testament of Almighty Allah ﷻ

Almighty Allah ﷻ sent down many Holy scription through many prophets . Four of them are the most famous:

1. The Taurat (Torah) revealed to Prophet Musa(A.S)

2. The Zabur (Psalms) revealed to Prophet Dawood ( David)

3. The Injeel ( Bible) revealed to Prophet ISA (A.S)

4. The Glorious Quran revealed to our Beloved Prophet Sayyiduna Muhammad ﷺ, the Seal of the Prophets.

There is no scope of any superiority or inferiority as far as the Holy Word of Almighty Allah ﷻ is concerned. However, the Holy Quran stands out to be the most rewarding.

Prophets were all men

A Prophet ﷺ is the person to whom divine revelation from Allah, Most Exalted, is bestowed for the guidance of mankind, such a person is also called an apostle of messenger of Allah , Most Exalted.

All the prophets sent by Almighty Allah ﷻ were human beings and men. No woman was ever accorded the status of a prophet. It was not obligatory for Almighty Allah , to send his prophets, Nevertheless , out of his extreme kindness. He sent the prophets for the guidance of mankind. A Prophet must receive Wahi or Divine Revelation whether it is bestowed upon him through Angels or through any other means.

Friday, 18 November 2016

How can Islam be called a ‘religion of peace’ when it was ‘spread by the sword’?

It is another common misconception among some non-Muslims that Islam would not have the millions of adherents it has all over the world, had it not been spread by the use of force. The following proofs will make it clear, that far from being forcefully ‘spread by the sword,’ it was inherent force of truth, reason and logic that was responsible for the rapid spread of Islam. Islam has always given respect to the freedom of religion to all faiths. Freedom of religion is ordained in the Majestic Quran itself:

"There is no compulsion at all in religion; undoubtedly the right path has become very distinct from error"..[Baqarah 2:256]

If Islam was indeed spread by the sword, it was the sword of intellect and convincing arguments that was used. It is only this type of sword that conquers the hearts and minds of people. The Glorious Quran says in this connection;

"Call towards the path of your Lord with sound planning and good advice, and debate with them in the best possible way".. [ Nahl 16:125]

The facts speak for themselves
1.Indonesia is the country that has the largest number of Muslims in the world, and the majority of people in Malaysia are Muslims. But, no Muslim army has ever entered Indonesia or Malaysia. It is an established historical fact that Indonesia entered Islam not due to war, but because of its moral message. Despite the disappearance of Islamic government from many regions once ruled by it, their original inhabitants have remained Muslims. Moreover , they carried the message of truth, inviting others to it as well, and in so doing endured harm, affliction and oppression.The same can be said for those in the regions of Syria and Jordon, Egypt, Iraq, North America, Asia, The Balkans and in Spain. This shows that the effect of Islam on the population was one of moral conviction, in contrast to occupation by western colonialists, finally compelled to leave lands whose peoples held only memories of affliction, sorrow, subjugation and oppression.
2. Muslims rules Spain (Andalusia) for about 800 years. During this period, The Christian and Jews enjoyed freedom to practice their respective religions, and this is a documented historical fact.
3. Christian and Jewish minorities have survived in the Muslims lands of the Middle East for centuries. Countries such as Egypt, Morocco, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordon all have significant Christian and Jewish populations.
4.Muslims ruled India for about a thousand years, and therefore had the power to force each and every non-Muslim resident of India to convert to Islam, but they did not, and thus more than 80% of the Indian population remains non-Muslim.
5. Similarly, Islam spread rapidly on the east coast of Africa, furthermore , no Muslim army was ever dispatched to the east coast of Africa.
6. Today, the fastest growing religion in North America, Europe and Africa is Islam. The only sword they have in their possession is the sword of truth. It is the sword that is reverting thousands to Islam.
7. Islamic Law Projects the rights and the status of minorities, and that is why the non-Muslim’s places of worship have flourished all over the Islamic world. Islamic Law also allows non-Muslim minorities to set up their own courts, which implemented family laws drawn up by the minorities themselves. The life and property of all citizens in an Islamic State are considered important whether they are Muslims or not.

It is clear, therefore, that Islam was not spread by the sword. The often-alleged ‘sword of Islam’ did not convert all the non-Muslim minorities in Muslims countries. In India, Where Muslims ruled for about a thousand years, they are still a minority. In the U.S.A and Canada alone, Islam is the fastest growing religion and has over nine million followers.

Are Muslims terrorists?

It is very unfortunate that now a days , Islam has become synonymous with ‘terrorism’. Far from promoting terrorism, Islam is a religion of peace whose fundamentals teach its followers to maintain and promote peace and justice throughout the world. Islam does not condone ‘terrorism’ as defined and understood nowadays: plane hijackings, hostage takings and the torturing and killing of the innocent in order to achieve political or even religious goals. This is not how Islam teaches to solve their problems, achieve their goals, or to spread their religion.
The question that should be posted instead is: Do the teachings of Islam encourage terrorism? Certainly not, Islam totally prohibits all terrorist acts. It should be remembered that all religions have elements of misguided followers. To be impartial and just, one must consider the teachings of the religion, as they are yardstick by which the actions of its adherents can be assessed as being right or wrong.
It is completely unfair to judge Islam by the wrongdoings of some misguided or ignorant Muslims, or by the deteriorating condition of Muslims and the blatant corruption that pervades the Muslim world. In fact, what Islam preaches is one thing and what some Muslims nowadays practice is something completely different.
The only way we can do justice to Islam is to find out about its noble teachings, which are clearly set out in the Glorious Quran and blessed prophetic traditions.

Islam is a religion of peace, which is acquired by submitting one  with to the will of the supreme Creator, Almighty Allah , Islam promotes peace but at the same time, it exhorts its followers to fight oppression. The fight against oppression may, at times, require the use of force, and sometimes force has to be used to maintain peace. Certainly, Islamic Law allows war under particular circumstances. Any religion or civilization which does not do that, would never survive. But Islam never condones attacks against innocent people, women or children. Islam also clearly forbids ‘taking the law into one’s own hands’, which means that individual Muslims cannot go around deciding what they want to do by killing Or  punishing. Trial and punishment must only be carried out by a lawful authority and a qualified judge.

Death and the grave

Death is when the soul comes out of the body. Everyone has to die. Nothing can save one from death. The time of death is fixed for everyone. Nothing can delay it.

When a person’s life is ending, the angel Izra’eel comes to remove the Rooh ( soul) from the dying person. When the dying person looks to his left and to his right, he sees angels everywhere. The angels of Mercy come to a Muslim. The angels of Punishment come to the Kaafirs (disbelievers). A Muslims’s soul is taken out with ease and respect by the angels of Mercy. A Kaafir’s soul is taken out with great pain and disgrace When someone visits a grave, the souls sees the person, recognize him or her and listen to what they are saying. They can even hear the footsteps of the visitors.

How many prophets?

It is not advisable to put an exact figure on the number of Prophets sent down by Allah, the Most Wise, for the guidance of mankind because the opinion on this point differs. The safest way is to believe and say that Allah sent more or less 124000 prophets.

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Sadqah Hidden or unhidden both forms are based on intention

 Whether it is a Sadaqah or other forms of worship, reward is based on the intention. If intention is correct then deeds performed openly will be rewarded and if intention is defective then even hidden action will cause destruction. Yes! Disclosure of Fard acts of worship along with correct intention is appropriate in order to avoid people getting into evil suspicion and hiding Nawafil (supererogatory prayers) is better so that we can get protection from the possibility of showing-off. Another condition is that when a spiritual leader of people exposes his deeds in order to encourage his followers towards performing good deeds, this type of disclosure is permissible and Afdal (most excellent). This means that for Islamic jurist, spiritual guide, Muhaddis (one who explains the Hadees), preacher, teacher or anyone who is followed, it is better for them to disclose their deeds [with good intentions].

Sayyiduna Ibn ‘Umar  narrated: The Beloved and Blessed Prophet has stated, ‘The hidden worship is greater than the open worship and [for] a leader’s [i.e. one who is followed] open (worship) is greater than the hidden (worship).’ 

The renowned commentator of Quran and Hadees, Hakeem-ul- Ummat, Mufti Ahmad Yar Khan 
has mentioned in Mirat-ul-Manajih: Exposing the acts of worship as a form of education is not considered showing-off but it is a propagation of knowledge and education, this is a rewardable act. Spiritual scholars say, ‘Showing-off or ostentation’ of the Siddiqeen (the truthful) is better than the sincerity of the disciples and followers.

This is what this means.’ ! The respected, renowned and learned spiritual personality of the current fifteenth century, Shaykh-e-Tareeqat, Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat, founder of Dawat-e-Islami, ‘Allamah

Maulana Abu Bilal Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadiri Razavi Ziyaee  is the most favourite personality of millions of Muslims. A very large number of Muslims love him deeply more than anything else and try to copy his every actions. Therefore, sometimes he narrates some of the parables and incidents of his own life or sometimes some parts of his life history are related in the Sunnah-inspiring speeches so that people who love him dearly become aware of his Allah-fearing life, his great love for the Greatest Prophet ,his abstinence and piety and aspire to follow him and embrace all these distinctive characteristics and qualities.

Where is sincerity (Ikhlas)?

Dear Islamic brothers! It is learnt that showing-off is nothing but destruction and total destruction. Therefore, remember, sincerity is the basic condition for the acceptance of deeds. But unfortunately it appears, spirit of sincerity is dying away from our deeds, craving for fame and recognition constantly shoving us towards the brink of destruction. 

Open Sadaqah is greater or hidden Sadaqah?

Which is better, open Sadaqah or hidden Sadaqah? Allah
states in Surah Al-Baqarah:

"If you give charity openly, what an excellent deed it is! And if you secretly give it to the poor, it is the best for you; and in it some of your sins will reduce; and Allah is Aware of your deeds."

Sayyiduna Muhiyy-us-Sunnah, Abu Muhammad Husayn Bin Mas’ood Baghawi  (passed away in 510 Hijri) has said in Tafseer Baghawi: 

Whether Sadaqah is obligatory or Nafl when given with sincerity and is free from showing-off then irrespective of whether given openly or secretly, both are preferable. But giving obligatory Sadaqah openly and giving Nafl Sadaqah secretly is Afdal (most preferable) and if one who gives Nafl Sadaqah openly in order to persuade others then this is also preferable. 

Who is a destitute person?

Sayyiduna Muslim Bin Hajjaj Qushayri narrated,

the Beloved Prophet (PBUH) inquired, ‘Do you know who is the destitute?’ The blessed companions humbly said, 
‘O the Beloved Prophet ! The destitute amongest us is he who has neither any dirham nor any
other possession’. 

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, ‘(No! In reality, these people are not destitute rather) the destitute amongest my Ummah on the Day of Judgement will be one who will come with Salah, fasts and Zakah but he will come having abused someone, slandered someone, having consumed his wealth, shed his blood, hit him. Thus, (in exchange for his sins) that oppressed and this oppressed people will be compensated with some of his virtues from his account.If his virtues fall short to repay what is due upon them, then the wrongdoings of oppressed people will be thrust upon that cruel man and thereafter he will be thrown into the fire.’

The behaviour with a person to whome sadqah is given.

Islam places the respect of a Muslim that after assisting and helping any Muslim brother in need, one should not disclose any favour done to him by teasing or taunting which obviously causes him grief rather he should respect his Muslim brother’s self-esteem and honour. By giving Sadaqah and charity, it does not privilege one to tarnish the honour of a deserving Muslim by keep on reminding him of any favour. It would have been better to refrain from giving such a Sadaqah and instead give some kind words, or express regret for not being able to help him or send him to somebody else.

This is a lesson for those who initially get overwhelmed and immediately help the needy person but afterwards they taunt, tease and insult them in such a manner that whenever they get angry they begin disclosing the favours that they had carried out; such as:

1.Until yesterday he was just a beggar, begging for a living and I used to feed him. Today he gives me an angry look.

2.When his mother was suffering and dying in the hospital,I came to their assistance.

3. I arranged his daughter’s wedding, and now he has forgotten all my favours, he is very ungrateful etc.Remember! This behaviour will lead to a total loss, because you have already spent your wealth, so, don’t lose your reward by taunting and disclosing your favours. As it is stated in the following blessed verse

"O people who believe! Do not invalidate your charity by expressing favour and causing hurt (to recipient)."

Commenting on aforementioned blessed verse, Sayyiduna Abul Barakaat ‘Abdullah Bin Ahmad Bin Mahmood Nasafi  (passed away in 710 Hijri) has stated: As the hypocrite does not aim to seek the Divine pleasure, he squanders his wealth by spending whilst showing off & ostentation, in the same way you do not waste the rewards of your Sadaqat by exposing your favours to others and hurting the feelings of the recipient. 

Various forms of Sadaqah

Dear Islami brothers! Spending in the way of Allah is not the only way to give Sadaqah rather it is stated in the blessed Hadees, Sayyiduna Abu Zar Ghifari  narrated, the most Revered and Renowned Prophet (PBUH) has described the various forms of Sadaqah:

These are as follows:

1.Your smile for your brother is also an act of Sadaqah.

2.Inviting towards righteousness and forbidding evil is also an act of Sadaqah.

3.Guiding a misled is also an act of Sadaqah.

4.Helping somebody with weak eye sight is also an act of Sadaqah.

5.Removing stone, thorn or bone from the path is also an act of Sadaqah.

6.Pouring water from your bucket into the bucket of your brother is also a Sadaqah.

The Pillars of Islam

The following are five pillars of Islam

1.Testimony of faith ( There is no one God except Allah and Muhammad (SAW) is the messenger of Allah)

2. To Established Salat (Prayers)

3. To Pay Zakat

4. To Observe Saum (Fasting) in Ramdan.

5. Hajj (pilgrims to the scattered house) if one can afford the journey.

Who is Allah? Do Muslims worship a different God?

Some people believe that Muslims worship a God that is different from the one worshiped by Christians and Jews. This might be due to the fact that Muslims often refer to God as ‘Allah’. This concept is false, Since ‘Allah’ is simply the Arabic word for the one true ‘Almighty, the only one worthy of worship,’ Who created the universe and all humanity. Let there be no doubt- Muslims worship the God of Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and Jesus. However, It is certainly true that Jews, Christians and Muslims all have different concepts of Almighty God. For example, Muslims – Like Jews – reject the Christian belief of the Trinity and the Divine Incarnation. This, However, does not mean that each of these three religions worship a different God – because, as we have already said, there is only One true God,Judaism, Christianity and Islam all claim to be Abrahamic Faiths.’ However, Islam teaches that other religions have, in one way or another, distorted and nullified a pure and proper belief in Almighty God by neglecting His true teachings and mixing them with man-made ideas.

Arabic Speaking people of all religions refer to God as ‘Allah’. For example , if you pick up an Arabic translation of the Christian Bible you will see the word ‘Allah’ Where God is used in English. Therefore, ‘Allah’ is not the God of the Muslims only, but the same God worshiped by all faiths. This idea that ‘Allah’ is different from ‘God’ is illogical since it is tantamount to saying that the French worship a different ‘God’ because they use the word ‘Dieu,’ and that Spaniards worship a different ‘God’ because the called him ‘Yahweh.’

However, the word “ALLAH” is the most suitable name of the Almighty, because it doesn’t have plural form and nor does it have any gender, while the word God has a plural and gender i.e. gods and goddess.

The Glorious Quran, which is the divine scripture of Muslims, was revealed in the Arabic Language, So Muslims use the word ‘Allah for ‘God’ even when they are speaking other languages. A more literal translation of “Allah’ into English might be ‘The one-and-only God’ the one true God.’

Who is Prophet Muhammad ﷺ?

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was a man of noble descent. He was a model of excellent manners. Allah ﷻ, the Most Exalted, praised him by saying:
                              And indeed you possess an exemplary character [Qalam 68:4]

Even his enemies attested to his excellent manners. Abu Jahl, who was one of the harshest enemies of Islam, said: “O Muhammad! I do not say are a liar! I only deny what you brought and what you call people towards.”

Some of his companions described his manners, saying:

“He ﷺ was never rough. He never raised his voice in public or used foul language. He did not repay evil with evil; rather, He forgave and pardoned. He did not raise his hand to hit a servant or woman He would not become angry if he was offended, nor would he take revenge. He only became angry when people transgressed the limits and boundaries of Allah ﷻ , in that case he reacted. The holy Prophet ﷺ  was not given a choice between two matters, except that he chose the easier of the two, as long as it was not a sinful act, If that act was a sinful act , he would be the furthest from it. When he entered his home he was a normal individual, he would clean his clothes, milk his goats, and serve himself.”

Care of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) for Orphans

Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), in order to console the hearts of all orphans that would come after him, as he, the best of all mankind and the most beloved to God, was an orphan.

Muhammad  (peace be upon him)used to care for orphans and he used to ask his companions to protect them and to treat them well. He also showed the merits that come from that.

Ibn Majah also narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that Prophet Muhammad said:

"The best Muslim house is a house in which an orphan is well treated; and the worst Muslim house is a house in which an orphan is badly treated."

Al-Bukhari narrated that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), said:

"I and the custodian of an orphan are like this (together) in Paradise", and he joined his forefinger and middle finger together.

The above Prophetic Hadiths show clearly that if someone takes good care of an orphan, he is sure to enter paradise by his good care.

Also, the Prophet praised a widow whose husband dies and would abstain from getting married again in order to devote herself to bring up her children. Sometimes the husband might pass away because of an accident or an illness at an early age leaving his wife with her orphan children.

Of course, she could get married again, but if she gets married the children would perhaps be lost or go astray. The new husband may not accept her with her children, and in this case she may have to put her children under the care of her parents who might be old: and with an elderly person, a young child might, quite often, get out of control.

A young widow who prefers to care for her children instead of getting married again was praised by Prophet Muhammad. Aouf Bin Malik Al-Ashjaii narrated that Prophet Muhammad said:

Ibn Majah also narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that Prophet Muhammad said:

"The best Muslim house is a house in which an orphan is well treated; and the worst Muslim house is a house in which an orphan is badly treated."

Interpreters of the foregoing Prophetic Hadith, said that “a woman with dark brown cheeks” means a widow who abstained from getting married again and therefore she became pale with hard work and sorrow, and therefore the color of her cheeks became dark brown.

The foregoing Prophetic hadith shows clearly that the woman abstained from getting married to another husband, but consecrated herself to her children.

Now the question is: How dear is this young child to God so that the person who takes good care of them deserves Paradise.

The answer is implied within the two hadiths that there is no work in this life that is more noble or better than firmly establishing true faith in one’s children, taking good care of them, making them happy, and bringing them up to love God, His Messenger and his family.

A person who takes an orphan under his custody and guardianship will be with Prophet Muhammad in Paradise; and similarly, a widow who devotes herself to bring up her children will be with Prophet Muhammad in Paradise.

Abu Huraira narrated that a man came to Prophet Muhammad complaining about being hard hearted, so Prophet Muhammad advised him:

“Tap on the heads of orphans, and feed the needy one.” (Ahmad)

I have a friend who died in a car crash at the age of thirty-five. He left behind a wife and three children. One day, I met one of his children, who was in the third secondary class. I asked him: “Do you need anything?” He said: “Yes, please. I need some help in the subject of Arabic.” I said: “Come to my place, and I‘ll give you some lessons.”

For the sake of my friend, I gave his son some lessons in Arabic. In fact, he was very weak in this subject, but I took care of him in a way that pleases Allah Almighty; and every day I gave him a lesson until he became very good in Arabic and he passed his exams with high marks.

Every believer should be a parent for the orphan who lost one or both of his parents. If this orphan feels that people have mercy on him and treat him kindly, he will like them whether they are of their parent's relatives or friends. In other words, the community of believers is cooperative and helpful to one another. God says in the Quran: {Have you seen him who denies religion? That is he who repulses the orphan.} (Al-Maun 107:1-2)

An orphan should not be repulsed, but should be treated kindly and gently. It is a great mistake to treat an orphan badly, but it is even worse to repulse him harshly, to humiliate him, or treat him unkindly.

Finally, we shall end up with this authentic Hadith: Abu Huraira narrated that Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said:

“He who looks after a widow and a needy person is like a fighter for the Cause of Allah.”

He also said:

"Like someone who stands up the night in prayer and worship and someone who is always fasting." (Bukhari)


Reward of Sadaqah
It is reported that there were five people living in the blessed
home of Ameer-ul-Mu`mineen, Sayyiduna ‘Ali-ul-Murtada
􀈔􀉌􀈥􀃆􀇠􀃸􀃄􀅏􀃸􀉌 􀈑􀂝􀈻 􀃅􀈜􀃸􀃄􀈞􀃸􀉌 􀇑
􀃄􀂾􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃸􀃄􀇾􀃸􀃄􀇉􀈻 􀃅􀈜􀃸􀈹􀈒􀃸􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃄 􀂻
􀃄􀃇 􀇠
􀃸􀃄􀅎, namely Sayyiduna ‘Ali, Sayyida-tun-Nisa,
Sayyidatuna Fatimah, their beloved sons Sayyiduna Imam Hasan
and Sayyiduna Imam Husayn and their slave (Sayyiduna)
Haaris 􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃄 􀃆 􀊝
􀃄 􀂧
􀃸 􀀃􀈹􀈒􀃸 􀀃 􀃅 􀈞
􀃈􀈚􀃸􀃄􀇽􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃄􀇾􀃄􀇉􀈻􀃅 􀈜
􀈔 .
The living condition of these blessed personalities was such
that despite not eating for three days they remained patient
and content. Khatoon-e-Jannat 􀈑􀂝􀈻 􀃄 􀃆 􀊝
􀃄 􀂧
􀃸 􀀃􀈹􀈒􀃸 􀀃􀃄􀇉􀈻􀃅 􀈜
􀃸􀀃 􀃄
􀇾􀃸 􀀃 􀃄
􀇀􀃄􀈞􀃈􀈚􀃸􀇽􀈻 􀅢􀃼 􀇀 gave one of her
clothing to Sayyiduna ‘Ali 􀈔􀉌􀈥􀃆􀇠􀃸􀃄􀅏􀃸􀉌 􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃅􀈜􀃸􀃄􀈞􀃸􀉌 􀇑
􀃄􀂾􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃸􀃄􀇾􀃸􀃄􀇉􀈻􀃅􀈜􀃸􀈹􀈒􀃸􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃄 􀂻
􀃄􀃇 􀇠
􀃸􀃄􀅎 so that he could sell
it and buy some food in return. Sayyiduna ‘Ali 􀈔􀉌􀈥􀃆􀇠􀃸􀃄􀅏􀃸􀉌 􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃅􀈜􀃸􀃄􀈞􀃸􀉌 􀇑
􀃄􀂾􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃸􀃄􀇾􀃸􀃄􀇉􀈻􀃅􀈜􀃸􀈹􀈒􀃸􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃄 􀂻
􀃄􀃇 􀇠
took the clothing and went to the market where he 􀀃􀃄􀇽􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃄􀇾􀃄􀇉􀈻􀃅􀆣􀂝􀈻 􀃄 􀃆 􀊝
􀃄 􀂧
􀃸 􀀃􀃅 􀈜
sold it for six dirhams. On his way back he 􀀃􀃄􀇽􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃄􀇾􀃄􀇉􀈻 􀃅􀆣􀂝􀈻 􀃄 􀃆 􀊝
􀃄 􀂧
􀃸 􀀃􀃅 􀈜
􀃈􀈚 was
approached by a beggar who was begging in the name of
Allah 􀀃 􀃄􀃇 􀈐􀃄 􀇑
􀃄 􀂾
􀃄􀃇􀇢􀃄 􀇽
. Sayyiduna ‘Ali 􀀃􀃅􀈜􀃸􀈹􀈒􀃸􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃄 􀂻
􀃄􀃇 􀇠
􀃸􀃄􀅎 􀈻 􀈔􀉌􀈥􀃆􀇠􀃸􀃄􀅏􀃸􀉌 􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃅􀈜􀃸􀃄􀈞􀃸􀉌 􀇑
􀂾􀃄 􀈻􀅢􀃼 􀇀􀃸􀃄􀇾􀃸􀃄􀇉 with full trust in
Allah 􀀃 􀃄􀃇 􀈐􀃄 􀇑
􀃄 􀂾
􀃄􀃇􀇢􀃄 􀇽
gave all the dirhams in the way of Allah and returned
with patient and content.
They fed others whilst themselves remaining hungry
How patient were the family members of the Prophet
The Reward of Giving Sadaqah
Whilst on his way Sayyiduna Ali 􀈔􀉌􀈥􀃆􀇠􀃸􀃄􀅏􀃸􀉌 􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃅􀈜􀃸􀃄􀈞􀃸􀉌 􀇑
􀃄􀂾􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃸􀃄􀇾􀃸􀃄􀇉􀈻􀃅􀈜􀃸􀈹􀈒􀃸􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃄 􀂻
􀃄􀃇 􀇠
􀃸􀃄􀅎 saw a man
standing with a she-camel. He asked, ‘O Abal Hasan1! Will you
buy this she-camel from me? He 􀀃􀃄􀇽􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃄􀇾􀃄􀇉􀈻 􀃅􀆣􀂝􀈻 􀃄 􀃆 􀊝
􀃄 􀂧
􀃸 􀀃􀃅 􀈜
􀃈􀈚 replied, ‘Why
not, how much does it cost?’ The person said, ‘100 dirhams.’
Sayyiduna ‘Ali 􀈔􀉌􀈥􀃆􀇠􀃸􀃄􀅏􀃸􀉌 􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃅􀈜􀃸􀃄􀈞􀃸􀉌 􀇑
􀃄􀂾􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃸􀃄􀇾􀃸􀃄􀇉􀈻􀃅􀈜􀃸􀈹􀈒􀃸􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃄 􀂻
􀃄􀃇 􀇠
􀃸􀃄􀅎 replied, ‘I don’t have money.’
The seller said, ‘Buy it on credit and make the payment when
you get the money.’ Sayyiduna ‘Ali 􀈔􀉌􀈥􀃆􀇠􀃸􀃄􀅏􀃸􀉌 􀈑􀂝􀈻 􀃅􀈜􀃸􀃄􀈞􀃸􀉌 􀇑
􀃄􀂾􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃸􀃄􀇾􀃸􀃄􀇉􀈻 􀃅􀈜􀃸􀈹􀈒􀃸􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃄 􀂻
􀃄􀃇 􀇠
‘Well said!’ Hence, he 􀀃􀃅 􀈜
􀃈􀈚􀃸􀃄􀇽􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃄􀇾􀃄􀇉􀈻􀃅􀆣􀂝􀈻􀃄 􀃆 􀊝
􀃄 􀂧
accepted the deal and bought
the she-camel on credit for 100 dirhams. After going a short
distance, another person approached him and asked, ‘O
Abal Hasan! Will you sell this she-camel?’ Sayyiduna ‘Ali
􀈔􀉌􀈥􀃆􀇠􀃸􀃄􀅏􀃸􀉌 􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃅􀈜􀃸􀃄􀈞􀃸􀉌 􀇑
􀃄􀂾􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃸􀃄􀇾􀃸􀃄􀇉􀈻􀃅􀈜􀃸􀈹􀈒􀃸􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃄 􀂻
􀃄􀃇 􀇠
􀃸􀃄􀅎 answered, ‘Why not.’ The person questioned,
‘How much did it cost you?’ Sayyiduna ‘Ali 􀈔􀉌􀈥􀃆􀇠􀃸􀃄􀅏􀃸􀉌 􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃅􀈜􀃸􀃄􀈞􀃸􀉌 􀇑􀃄􀂾􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃸􀃄􀇾􀃸􀃄􀇉􀈻􀃅􀈜􀃸􀈹􀈒􀃸􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃄 􀂻
􀃄􀃇 􀇠
responded ‘100 dirhams.’ The person said, ‘Sell it to me for a
profit of 60 dirhams.’ Sayyiduna ‘Ali 􀈔􀉌􀈥􀃆􀇠􀃸􀃄􀅏􀃸􀉌 􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃅􀈜􀃸􀃄􀈞􀃸􀉌 􀇑􀃄􀂾􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃸􀃄􀇾􀃸􀃄􀇉􀈻􀃅􀈜􀃸􀈹􀈒􀃸􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃄 􀂻
􀃄􀃇 􀇠
􀃸􀃄􀅎 accepted
the deal and sold the she-camel for 160 dirhams.
On his way back Sayyiduna ‘Ali 􀈔􀉌􀈥􀃆􀇠􀃸􀃄􀅏􀃸􀉌 􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃅􀈜􀃸􀃄􀈞􀃸􀉌 􀇑
􀃄􀂾􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃸􀃄􀇾􀃸􀃄􀇉􀈻􀃅􀈜􀃸􀈹􀈒􀃸􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃄 􀂻
􀃄􀃇 􀇠
􀃸􀃄􀅎 met that seller
and who asked after seeing him without the she-camel, ‘Where
is that she-camel? Did you sell it?’ Sayyiduna ‘Ali 􀀃􀃄􀇽􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃄􀇾􀃄􀇉􀈻 􀃅􀆣􀂝􀈻 􀃄 􀃆 􀊝
􀃄 􀂧
􀃸 􀀃􀃅 􀈜
responded, ‘Yes! I have sold it.’ The seller asked, ‘For how much?’
Sayyiduna ‘Ali 􀈔􀉌􀈥􀃆􀇠􀃸􀃄􀅏􀃸􀉌 􀈑􀂝􀈻 􀃅􀈜􀃸􀃄􀈞􀃸􀉌 􀇑􀃄􀂾􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃸􀃄􀇾􀃸􀃄􀇉􀈻􀃅􀈜􀃸􀈹􀈒􀃸􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃄 􀂻
􀃄􀃇 􀇠
􀃸􀃄􀅎 said, ‘For 160 dirhams.’ The
seller requested, ‘Kindly return my 100 dirhams.’ Sayyiduna ‘Ali
􀈔􀉌􀈥􀃆􀇠􀃸􀃄􀅏􀃸􀉌 􀈑􀂝􀈻 􀃅􀈜􀃸􀃄􀈞􀃸􀉌 􀇑
􀃄􀂾􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃸􀃄􀇾􀃸􀃄􀇉􀈻􀃅􀈜􀃸􀈹􀈒􀃸􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃄 􀂻􀃄􀃇 􀇠􀃸􀃄􀅎 returned the 100 dirhams and handed over
the remaining 60 dirhams to Khatoon-e-Jannat 􀇀􀃄􀈞􀃈􀈚􀃸􀃄􀇽􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃸􀃄􀇾􀃸􀃄􀇉􀈻 􀃅􀈜􀃸􀈹􀈒􀃸􀈑􀂝􀈻 􀃄 􀃆 􀊝
􀃄 􀂧
1 It is a Kunyah of Sayyiduna ‘Ali 􀈔􀉌􀈥􀃆􀇠􀃸􀃄􀅏􀃸􀉌 􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃅􀈜􀃸􀃄􀈞􀃸􀉌 􀇑
􀃄􀂾􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃸􀃄􀇾􀃸􀃄􀇉􀈻􀃅􀈜􀃸􀈹􀈒􀃸􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃄 􀂻
􀃄􀃇 􀇠
The Reward of Giving Sadaqah
She 􀇀􀃄􀈞􀃈􀈚􀃸􀃄􀇽􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃸􀃄􀇾􀃸􀃄􀇉􀈻􀃅􀈜􀃸􀈹􀈒􀃸􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃄 􀃆 􀊝
􀃄􀂧 was amazed at the amount, because the clothing
she gave was not worth 60 dirhams. Therefore, she 􀇀􀃄􀈞􀃈􀈚􀃸􀃄􀇽􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃸􀃄􀇾􀃸􀃄􀇉􀈻􀃅􀈜􀃸􀈹􀈒􀃸􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃄 􀃆 􀊝
􀃄 􀂧
inquired about the amount. Sayyiduna ‘Ali 􀈔􀉌􀈥􀃆􀇠􀃸􀃄􀅏􀃸􀉌 􀈑􀂝􀈻 􀃅􀈜􀃸􀃄􀈞􀃸􀉌 􀇑
􀃄􀂾􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃸􀃄􀇾􀃸􀃄􀇉􀈻 􀃅􀈜􀃸􀈹􀈒􀃸􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃄 􀂻
􀃄􀃇 􀇠
said, ‘I made a trade with Allah 􀀃 􀃄􀃇 􀈐􀃄 􀇑
􀃄 􀂾
􀃄􀃇􀇢􀃄 􀇽
by six dirhams which I
spent in the path of Allah as Sadaqah (voluntarily charity) and
He 􀀃 􀃄􀃇 􀈐􀃄 􀇑
􀃄 􀂾
􀃄􀃇􀇢􀃄 􀇽
returned me sixty in exchange of six.’􀀃
The following day Sayyiduna ‘Ali 􀈔􀉌􀈥􀃆􀇠􀃸􀃄􀅏􀃸􀉌 􀈑􀂝􀈻 􀃅􀈜􀃸􀃄􀈞􀃸􀉌 􀇑
􀃄􀂾􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃸􀃄􀇾􀃸􀃄􀇉􀈻 􀃅􀈜􀃸􀈹􀈒􀃸􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃄 􀂻
􀃄􀃇 􀇠
􀃸􀃄􀅎 came to
the Prophet of Rahmah 􀀃􀃄􀃇 􀊄􀃄 􀇭
􀈻 􀈔􀃄􀃇􀈒􀃄 􀇥
􀃄􀂾􀈻􀈳􀈜􀃆 􀈑
􀃼􀂝􀂾􀃄 􀈻􀈜􀃆 􀃈􀈦􀃄􀈒􀃄􀊋􀈻􀅢􀃼 􀇀􀃄􀇾􀃄􀇉􀈻􀃅􀆣􀂝 and told him what had
transpired the previous day. The Holy Prophet 􀈔􀃄􀃇􀈒􀃄 􀇥
􀃄􀂾􀈻􀈳􀈜􀃆 􀈑
􀃼􀂝􀃄􀂾􀈻􀃆􀈜􀃈􀈦􀃄􀈒􀃄􀊋􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃄􀇾􀃄􀇉􀈻􀃅􀆣􀂝􀈻 􀃄􀃇 􀊄􀃄 􀇭
said, ‘O ‘Ali ( 􀀃􀃄􀇽􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃄􀇾􀃄􀇉􀈻 􀃅􀆣􀂝􀈻 􀃄 􀃆 􀊝
􀃄 􀂧
􀃸 􀀃􀃅 􀈜
􀃈􀈚 )! Do you know the reality of what
transpired yesterday?’ He 􀀃􀃄􀇽􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃄􀇾􀃄􀇉􀈻 􀃅􀆣􀂝􀈻 􀃄 􀃆 􀊝
􀃄 􀂧
􀃸 􀀃􀃅 􀈜
􀃈􀈚 replied, ‘ 􀀁􀁨 􀁢
􀀁 􀀁􀁩 􀄡 􀄬􀁁 􀀁 􀀁􀁨 􀁢
􀀁 􀀁􀁩 􀈔
􀃻 􀅺
􀁩 􀅎
􀁨 􀁋􀀃􀈵 􀀁 􀀁􀁨 􀁁
􀀁􀃻 􀅠
􀀁 􀁨
i.e. Allah 􀀃 􀃄􀃇 􀈐􀃄 􀇑
􀃄 􀂾
􀃄􀃇􀇢􀃄 􀇽
and His Beloved Rasool 􀈔􀃄􀃇􀈒􀃄 􀇥
􀃄􀂾􀈻 􀈳􀈜􀃆 􀈑
􀃼􀂝􀃄􀂾􀈻􀃆􀈜􀃈􀈦􀃄􀈒􀃄􀊋􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃄􀇾􀃄􀇉􀈻􀃅􀆣􀂝􀈻 􀃄􀃇 􀊄􀃄 􀇭
the best.’􀀃Revealing the power of unseen knowledge (Ilm-e-
Ghayb) our Beloved and Blessed Rasool 􀈔􀃄􀃇􀈒􀃄 􀇥􀃄􀂾􀈻 􀈳􀈜􀃆 􀈑
􀃼􀂝􀃄􀂾􀈻 􀃆􀈜􀃈􀈦􀃄􀈒􀃄􀊋􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃄􀇾􀃄􀇉􀈻 􀃅􀆣􀂝􀈻 􀃄􀃇 􀊄􀃄 􀇭
informed, ‘O ‘Ali ( 􀀃􀃄􀇽􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃄􀇾􀃄􀇉􀈻􀃅􀆣􀂝􀈻 􀃄 􀃆 􀊝
􀃄 􀂧
􀃸 􀀃􀃅 􀈜
􀃈􀈚 ), the one who sold you the shecamel
was Mikaail ( 􀀃􀃄 􀈮􀃸􀃄􀃇􀇦􀃸􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃆􀈜􀃸􀃈􀈦􀃄􀈒􀃸􀃄 􀇽
􀂻 ) and one who bought it from you
was Jibra`eel ( 􀈑􀂝􀈻􀃆􀈜􀃸􀃈􀈦􀃄􀈒􀃸􀃄 􀇽
􀂻􀀃􀈮􀃄 􀃸􀇦􀃄􀃇 􀃸 ), this she-camel which you bought and
sold would be the riding animal of my daughter Khatoon-e-
Jannat on the Day of Judgement.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

The importance of knowledge in Islam.

The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said

1Whoever walks on a path in search of knowledge, Allah makes the path to Paradise easy for him.’ (Sahih Muslim, pp. 1448, Hadees 2699) 

2People who gather in any of the houses of Allah in order to recite the Quran and teach and learn the Quran, (i) peace and calmness descend upon them, (ii) mercy covers them, (iii) angels surround them, and (iv) Allah mentions them to angels.’ (Ibid, pp. 1448, Hadees 2700)

3. ‘Whoever travels in search of knowledge is in the path of Allah until he returns.’ (Sunan-ut-Tirmiżi, vol. 4, pp. 295, Hadees 2700)

4. ‘Allah bestows the understanding of religion upon the one He intends goodness for.’ (Ibid, vol. 4, pp. 294, Hadees 2656)
5‘The person who gains knowledge, it becomes compensation for his previous sins.’ (Ibid, vol. 4, pp. 295, Hadees 2654)

6. ‘Some people will come to you from the East to get knowledge. So when they come to you, advise them about good.’ (Sunan-ut-Tirmiżi, Kitab-ul-‘Ilm, vol. 4, pp. 296, Hadees 266)

7. May Allah keep the person cheerful (i.e. happy in the worldly life and fresh-faced in the afterlife) who listens to any Hadees from me and then exactly conveys what he has listened to because many people, the ruling is conveyed to, are wiser than the listener. (Ibid, vol. 4, pp. 299, Hadees 2666)

8No doubt, the one who guides towards a good deed is like the one who performs the good deed.